Latest Masats News
Masats Will Participate in InnoTrans 2024
Masats will participate in the next edition of InnoTrans, which will take place in Berlin on 24–27 September 2024.
Masats Expands Its Facilities by 5,000 Metres Squared
Masats has announced the expansion of its facilities up to 25,000 metres squared, to increase production capacity.
Masats Will Present Its Latest Innovations at the UITP Expo
Masats will be presenting several new public transport accessibility systems for the bus and railway sectors at the UITP summit in Barcelona…
How to Increase Train Access Safety
Masats will be showing its solutions for increasing railway station safety at the UITP Expo in Barcelona from 4–7 June 2023.
Masats to Supply the Doors for Stadler Trains in Catalonia
Masats was chosen by Stadler Rail to supply the doors for these 15 international gauge trains comprised of 4 cars each in Catalonia.