Computer-based interlocking, tram point controller and automatic train protection applications all built on SIL4 COTS ControlSafe Platform. Artesyn Embedded Tec...
Fault-tolerant, fail-safe computing system for train control and rail signaling accelerates time-to-market for rail application developers. Artesyn Embedded Tec...
At the Railway Interchange Exhibition today, Artesyn Embedded Technologies announced the ControlSafe™ Compact Carborne Platform, designed to enable rail system ...
Artesyn and Hyukshin Collaborate on SIL4 Rail Signaling Solutions. Artesyn Embedded Technologies today announced a collaboration with Hyukshin Engineering Co., ...
Artesyn Embedded Technologies today announced Safety Integrity Level 4 (SIL4) certification for the Artesyn Embedded Computing, Inc. ControlSafe™ Expansion Box ...
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