RTS Webinar Series 2020: Optimised Train Operations – 24 November 2020, 10:30 – 12:00 GMT
Part of the RTS Webinar Series by RSSB
Register now to attend this ‘Optimised Train Operations’ webinar which is one of the new priorities of the newly released Rail Technical Strategy.
High service reliability, more agile and robust train planning solutions, and improved solutions to better manage and increase capacity where needed are at the very heart of ensuring that rail retains and attracts new customers.
Patrick Verwer, CEO, Govia Thameslink Railway and industry sponsor for this priority, will deliver the keynote address with his personal views on why optimising train operations is so vital.
Also in the programme:
What does ‘optimised train operations’ mean for freight?
What is covered in the timetabling technical strategy?
Where do we need to take timetabling in the future?
What are the key goals and stepping stones for this priority in the RTS?
Come armed with your key discussion points and burning questions to put to panel members.
Why should I attend?
Join us to know more about current initiatives and thinking, connect with the community of people and organisations active in this space, and tell us what you are working on.
This is the third event in a webinar series exploring the RTS priorities in closer detail. Also available in this webinar series: ‘Easy to Use for All’, ‘Low Emissions’, ‘Reliable and Easy to Maintain’, and ‘Data Driven’ events.
The webinar link will be sent to you in the confirmation email.
If you would like to submit any questions before the webinar, please email: [email protected]

24 Nov 2020
Rail Safety and Standards Board Ltd