InnoTrans Digital Convention: Dialogue Forum VDB

24 Sep 2020 - 24 Sep 2020

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View event site Location: N/A Organiser: German Railway Industry Association (VDB) Organiser Website: Organiser phone: +49 (0)30-206289-30 Organiser email: [email protected]

Rail Revolution 4.0: Picking up speed after the crisis

24 September 2020 at 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. CEST

Climate protection and the economic re-start should be interlinked: This mission can only succeed in European and global cooperation. New mobility – especially by rail – is one of the great, fascinating challenges of our time. Kilma protection needs Clean Mobility. Business and society worldwide are faced with the task of shaping future growth in a sustainable way. The railway industry in Germany provides innovative solutions. Because Rail 4.0 combines previous antagonists, climate protection and growth – that is the core of the mobility revolution.

How can new mobility be put into action now? – This is exactly what this year’s virtual VDB DIALOG FORUM DIGITAL is all about: Bringing vision and reality a bit closer together.

High-ranking politicians from Germany and France share their agenda for the clean mobility of the future. The top management of our industry will provide exciting insights into the mobility of tomorrow. Some of which are already feasible. Now.

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