ERTMS and Digital Signalling will take place on 5–6 July 2022 in London or online.
The 2-day, hybrid ERTMS and Digital Signalling event is the complete guide to ERMTS, ETCS and the future of digital signalling. Visitors will explore how deployment can be accelerated through the latest project updates and practical guides, from fleet fitment to upgrading the network. Experts will share critical developments in rail signalling, exploring key issues including safety, technology and innovation, and how to ensure freight is ready for new systems.
Agenda highlights:
- Keynote address
- Panel discussion: how can we accelerate deployment?
- Delivering and implementing ERTMS – what are the challenges and opportunities?
- System integration
- Freight and ERTMS
- Best practice case studies
- Key safety considerations for ERTMS
- Accessing and tackling the cyber-security risks to the rail sector
- Preparing the sector for the digital railway
- Data and digital signalling
- Panel discussion: transforming supply chain relationships to deliver digital rail
View the full agenda here. Read more about the ERTMS and Digital Signalling event here and register for your tickets here.
Waterfront Conference Company are offering a 10% discount by using booking code ER22RWN. The discount applies to new registrations only and cannot be used in conjunction with a group booking discount.
The event is organised by Waterfront Conference Company.

5 – 6 Jul 2022
Addleshaw Goddard, 60 Chiswell Street, London, EC1Y 4AG
Waterfront Conference Company