8th International Railway Summit

20 Nov 2019 - 22 Nov 2019

8th International Railway Summit
View event site Location: Hyatt Regency Delhi, India Organiser: IRITS Events Ltd. Organiser Website: http://www.irits.org/ Organiser phone: +44 20 7112 5357 Organiser email: [email protected]

The 8th International Railway Summit is a unique global rail networking event. The event will be taking place in New Delhi, India on 20-22 November.

International Railway Summit is a meeting of the world’s key rail sector buyers and carefully selected technical experts. Buyers’ project requirements are matched with experts’ solutions, which leads to 30-minute one-to-one consultation meetings during the International Railway Summit.

In addition, delegates also attend a conference programme given by key industry leaders and experts and network with industry colleagues and potential business partners over lunches, dinners and a site visit.

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