The European rail joint technology initiative Shift2Rail has announced Carlo Borghini as its new Executive Director. The appointment will take effect before summer of this year for an initial period of five years, following which the Governing Board may decide to extend the term of office for a further five years.

Mr Borghini served as Corporate Services Director at the European Defence Agency since 2014, where he was responsible for human resources and financial management of the agency. He has experience of managing large-scale research programmes.
Henrik Hololei, Chair of S2R JU’s Governing Board and Director General, DG Mobility & Transport at the European Commission said:
“On behalf of the Board, I would like to congratulate Carlo Borghini on his nomination. Thanks to his proven experience, we are convinced Carlo is an excellent choice to lead and to deliver on S2R JU”.
Carlo Borghini said:
“Shift2Rail is Europe’s most ambitious programme of research in the rail sector, and is vital to ensuring the long term competitiveness of the industry and to delivering sustainable transport in Europe. I am very honoured to have been chosen to lead this programme, and look forward to working with all Members of the JU to ensure we deliver the results they expect.”
The appointment coincides with Shift2Rail’s consolidation of activities – with all Members selected and the first call for research activities having been issued.