Webinar: Transforming SSI with Technician’s Terminal

16 Jul 2020

Unipart Rail Park Signalling
View event site Location: N/A Organiser: Unipart Rail Organiser Website: https://www.unipartrail.com/index.html Organiser phone: +44 (0)1302 731400 Organiser email: [email protected]

Event Information: Transforming SSI with Technician’s Terminal

Time: 11:30 am (London, GMT+01:00)

Program: Park Signalling

Duration: 1 hour

In this webinar Unipart Rail will explore the application of Park Signalling’s innovative SSI equipment, designed to enhance and extend SSI service life.

Park Signalling has developed a replacement Technician’s Terminal (type reference MT04S) using standard Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components. The technologies used have been carefully chosen with consideration for longevity.

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