This article first appeared in the Railway-News magazine, Issue 3 2024.
Johann Richert, Head of Project Management at CN-Consult, discusses how you can upgrade your customer experience by modernising passenger information systems.
Passenger information systems (PIS) are one of the key services that influence the travel experience.
Journey information with real-time adaptation to the current operational situation, clear and unambiguous announcements tailored to requirements and increased security through video surveillance in vehicles and stations are just some of the components of a modern PIS that provide passengers with a more positive travel experience.
One survey, undertaken by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), found that over two thirds (69%) of rail travellers were dependent on passenger information, and that demand increased hand in hand with digitalisation.
With this in mind, comprehensive dissemination of realtime information is no longer optional for rail transport companies.
A modern PIS adds value by introducing new technologies without additional personnel, and by automating actions so that the correct information is always distributed, especially in exceptional circumstances.
With today’s technologies it’s possible to create intelligent solutions for critical emergency situations, so that passengers are informed as required, while enabling the operator to concentrate on the critical actions.
In addition, a railway company is perceived by its users as innovative if its rolling stock is equipped with stateof-the-art passenger information. Many operators are already integrating various additional functions to the classic passenger information offering, such as train capacity indicators, passenger guidance, wayfinding and advertising content etc.
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