This article first appeared in the Railway-News magazine, Issue 3 2022.
Meet CALIPRI X Combined with CALIPRI Predictor
Hexagon cuts costs of wheelset inspection and brings predictive maintenance to the rail industry.
With the latest product CALIPRI X, together with CALIPRI Predictor, Hexagon introduces a ground- breaking, automated, permanently- installed solution for precise train wheel profile measurement and predictive maintenance.
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division today announced the launch of CALIPRI X, a fully-automated on-track wheelset measurement system that delivers significant productivity gains and operational cost savings to the rail sector. Combined with the analytical capabilities of the cloud storage and analysis tool CALIPRI Predictor, CALIPRI X allows rail operators to safely run their trains with longer, more predictable maintenance intervals, less downtime and reduced lifecycle costs.
Safety is paramount in rail. Regular wheelset measurements must be made to meet stringent safety requirements and ensure safe operation and passenger comfort. However, measurement of wheels and wheelsets is still typically performed manually, which is labour intensive, time-consuming and costly. CALIPRI X removes this need for manual measurement by effortlessly delivering precise results in seconds from an automated, permanently-installed, optical scanning system designed for 24/7 operation.
“We’ve really pushed back the boundaries with this integrated solution.
“It’s a genuine market first that meets rail industry needs for fully-automated wheelset measurement without the sacrifices of precision and reproducibility that are commonly seen in products available today. The combination of highly accurate and reliable data, ease of use and the analytics provided by CALIPRI Predictor will save our customers a lot of money and bring peace of mind as they maintain their rolling stock over its lifecycle.”
With CALIPRI X, the measurement process couldn’t be simpler: a train drives slowly over a sensor unit where laser and camera modules automatically measure and record the profile of the wheels. The system measures all wheelset parameters according to the European standard EN 15313 – including wheel profile, diameter, back-to-back distance, equivalent conicity, camber and wheel toe.
The most important parameters and variables are known in seconds, and out-of-tolerance areas immediately identified. Combined with CALIPRI Predictor, measurements are automatically and instantly stored in the cloud and wear evolution is evaluated to enable planned downtime based on the as-is and forecasted condition of wheels – unplanned downtime caused by wheel condition is eliminated. CALIPRI Predictor is an easy-to-use cloud storage and analysis tool for CALIPRI measurement devices. The data is securely stored, highly available, safe to access and cost effective. By predicting wear levels, the maintenance schedule can be adjusted to the condition of the vehicles. This enables predictable and safe operation of the fleet.
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