With over 20 years of proven experience supplying light weight, maintenance free floors, Milwaukee Composites Inc. (MCI) now supplies a superior transit door solution that delivers the same benefits. MCI’s designed door product eliminates all the problems traditionally associated with current door panel constructions. This cost effective, innovative solution has been designed to be maintenance free and will last the service life of the car.
Along with being lightweight and corrosion resistant, MCI doors are moisture resistant and meet all global transit fire safety standards. The transit door solution is a composite sandwich structure that utilizes a phenolic resin matrix globally recognized as the best flame-smoke-toxicity polymer. Fiberglass structural fabrics are impregnated with phenolic resin and co-cured to a lightweight core during the molding process. MCI custom engineers our door panels to the structural requirements of the car builder while minimizing both cost and weight.
MCI door panels have been tested to the industry standards and have successfully passed: internal load and pressure tests, external load and pressure tests, impact tests, and fatigue tests. Using our numerous CNC routers, MCI’s door panels can be machined in complex geometries with guaranteed repeatability. When necessary, metal hardware complements the composite door design to accommodate the attachment of mounting hardware, latches, switches, windows and gaskets.
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