We strongly believe that a carpet is an integral part of any space, and therefore each one deserves tailored attention, expertise and design along with the trusted quality craftsmanship guaranteed with all Axminster carpets.
We have a dedicated team of designers who focus their expertise and full attention on creating the very best woven wool carpets for the rail industry.
Due to their rail specific product specifications, all of our carpets are quality and assurance tested for rail. Our rail certified carpets are truly fit for purpose, in terms of testing, capability and design; carrying a host of rail specific benefits, along with the highest-standard quality you expect from an Axminster carpet.
We pride ourselves in creating the very best carpeting for the rail industry, with dedicated designers and project managers, along with rail specific specifications and production.
We’re continually working on lowering our environmental impact, and this is prevalent with our rail products too. We use only sustainable materials, source and weave in the UK and reduce installation waste with our precise quanitification service.
Our wool carpets have benefits beyond their sustainability, being naturally fire retardent, insulating, hypoallergenic and VOC and sound absorbing.
Use the form opposite to get in touch with Axminster Carpets directly to discuss any requirements you might have.