epsotech’s Commitment for a Greener Future

epsotech’s Commitment for a Greener Future
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Getting the Mission on Track – epsotech’s Commitment for a Greener Future

This article first appeared in the Railway-News magazine, Issue 1 2023.

In 2021 epsotech started its green journey supported by the motto ‘we care about plastics’. We want to reduce plastic waste and thus contribute to a more economical and sustainable environment with a high recycling rate.

The group’s ambition was, and still is, to increase the rate of material it collects and reprocesses. With sea plastics made from old fishing nets and ropes from the maritime industry and the launch of its recycling strategy, epsotech was able to set the first significant market accents and assume a pioneering role in the use of post-consumer materials.

The new epsobranding structure is the next specific step on the journey to emphasise and visualise the epsotech way to more sustainability and clear product differentiation.

Sustainability in relation to the products means developing innovative solutions that are tailored to the requirements of the future. It means using natural resources responsibly and carefully so that they remain available to future generations.

For the rail sector, epsotech offers plastic solutions with a significant weight-saving benefit and lower cost than traditional materials and methods. Customers can choose between polypropylene as well as polycarbonate-based materials which are classified in the new epsoengineered product range. Characterised by their high-performance properties such as chemical resistance, flame retardancy and being halogen-free the epsoengineered products perform with excellent surface quality and colour brilliance – in compliance with the relevant norms and standards.

The new epsoproducts take green travel to the next level!

Download the full PDF here.


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