Deform-Nut® is a metal tubular threaded rivet with a cylindrical or hexagonal shank. Its upper part is made by a deformable expansion chamber to anchor the rivet onto the material.
Deform-Nut® can be applied to parts with no access to the inside (for example tubes, sheet metal, box structures, composite materials etc.). It is easy and quick to apply, is versatile, aesthetically appealing and with high technical mechanical resistance’s technical characteristics.
Deform-Nut®, besides being an ideal system for the assembly of parts on box-structures, is a valid alternative to the use of welded nuts for its rapidity of assembly and as it is possible to use it on already finished parts. For this reason, it can be used at any stage of the production process, giving technicians plenty of freedom at design stage.
Deform-Nut® can be fitted to any material (aluminium, steel, fibreglass, plastic and composite materials, etc.) that has a minimum thickness of 0.5mm. Thus, problems involving threading on thin elements are solved.
To fit Deform-Nut® all you need is to bore a cylindrical or hexagonal hole.
Deform-Nut® can be used as a rivet for assembling two or more parts; other demountable elements can be applied at a later stage.
Once fitted, the Deform-Nut® requires no further finishing operations.
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