KYDEX® Thermoplastics have distinct design, cost, and environmental advantages over fiberglass.
Light weight, KYDEX® Thermoplastics are 100% recyclable making them an environmentally sound solution that supports end-of-life recyclability and life-cycle design. The manufacturing processes do not outgas VOCs or produce hazardous waste.
KYDEX® Thermoplastics offer more complex geometries and improved aesthetics than fiberglass alternatives.
As part numbers increase, costs are reduced using KYDEX® Thermoplastics because they are less labor intensive and do not require painting.
Properties of thermoplastics:
Aggressive cleaning agents and disinfectants are critical in eliminating surface bacteria and fungi to reduce the spread of disease.
Testing results confirmed that KYDEX® Thermoplastics:
Using the right materials and understanding their compatibility with disinfectants is vital to ensuring a long, functional life.
KYDEX® Thermoplastics with Infused Imaging™ technology provides the look of texture on a flat surface that can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
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